
How to Delete Old iPhone Backups on Mac to Free up Space

Local iOS backups can take up lots of space on your hard disk. As time goes by, you may store many iPhone backups on your Mac. It is a good idea to manage your old backups and delete iPhone backups on Mac to free up space. Be aware that the backups will completely be gone once you delete them. To avoid data loss, you can export them into an external storage drive or save them on the cloud.

Part 1: How to Delete iPhone Backup on Mac from Storage Management

Apple has added a tool on macOS called Storage Management. As its name indicates, it lets you manage storage on your Mac and view entire iOS backup files on your computer. If you want to delete old iPhone backups, it is a proper channel.

Schritt 1. Klicken Sie auf die Apple menu on the menu bar, and select Über diesen Mac.

Select About This Mac

Schritt 2. Gehen Sie zum Storage tab, and click the Verwalten Taste zum Eingeben der Speicherverwaltung Bildschirm.

Macos Storage

Schritt 3. Wähle die iOS-Dateien option on the left sidebar, and you will see all iPhone backup files.

Macos IOS Files

Schritt 4. Halten Sie die Befehl key on your keyboard while selecting unwanted iPhone backups. Then click the Löschen button at the bottom right corner or right-click on one of the backup files and hit Löschen.

Schritt 5. Wenn Sie dazu aufgefordert werden, klicken Sie auf Löschen Taste, um die Aktion zu bestätigen.

Part 2: How to Delete iPhone Backup on Mac from iTunes/Finder

How to Delete iPhone Backup from Finder

Since macOS Catalina, Apple has migrated the iOS backup feature to the Finder app. If you want to delete old iPhone backups on macOS Catalina and Speicherplatz auf dem Mac freigeben, folgen Sie den unteren Schritten.

Schritt 1. Connect your iPhone to your Mac, open Finder, and choose your device on the left side.

Schritt 2. Gehen Sie zum Allgemein Klicken Sie auf die Registerkarte Backups verwalten Taste zum Eingeben der Geräte-Backups Dialog.

Sicherung verwalten

Schritt 3. Select an old iPhone backup file, and click the Backup löschen button. If prompted, click the Löschen Taste erneut drücken.

Delete Backup Finder

Schritt 4. Repeat the step above to delete other unwanted backups.

How to Delete iPhone Backup in Folder

When you update to macOS Catalina, Apple removes iTunes. It means that you have to find iPhone backups on a Mac hard drive and delete them manually. Fortunately, it is not difficult to locate old iPhone backup files.

Schritt 1. Klicken Sie auf die Suche button on the menu bar to access the Spotlight search tool.

Schritt 2. Paste ~ /Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/ into the search bar, and hit Return auf Ihrer Tastatur.

Find Iphone Backup Mac

Schritt 3. Locate the unwanted backup files according to the time stamp, right-click on it, and choose In den Papierkorb legen.

Ab in den Müll

Schritt 4. Klicken Sie dann mit der rechten Maustaste auf Müll button on the Dock, and choose Papierkorb leeren.

How to Delete iPhone Backup from iTunes

On macOS Mojave or earlier, users still back up their iPhones with iTunes on Mac. Therefore, you can delete old iPhone backups from iTunes. The procedure is slightly different from deleting backups in Finder.

Schritt 1. Run iTunes, go to iTunes on the menu bar, and choose Voreinstellungen.

Find Backup Itunes

Schritt 2. Wechseln Sie auf die Geräte Tab.

Delete Backup Itunes

Schritt 3. Then highlight the old iPhone backups, and click the Delete Backup button.

Bonus-Tipp: So löschen Sie iPhone-Daten

Bear in mind that deleting iPhone backups on Mac won’t affect your iOS storage. If your iPhone becomes slower and slower, it is time to delete iPhone data and free up space. Apeaksoft iPhone Radiergummi ist genau das, was Sie brauchen.

Apeaksoft iPhone Eraser – Best iPhone Storage Manager

  • Free up space by removing junk files, cache data, and more.
  • Find and delete large files and duplicate photos easily.
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  • Erase an iOS device and remove all data and settings.
  • Unterstützt eine Vielzahl von iPhone- und iPad-Modellen.
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Here are the steps to delete iPhone data:

Schritt 1. Stellen Sie eine Verbindung zu Ihrem iPhone her

Launch the best iOS storage manager after installing it on your computer. Then plug your iPhone into the computer with a Lightning cable.

iPhone mit PC verbinden

Tipps: If you want to completely erase your iPhone, choose Alle Daten löschen, and follow the on-screen instructions to complete it.

Schritt 2. Scan the iPhone

Gehen Sie zum Platz freigeben in der linken Seitenleiste und klicken Sie auf die Registerkarte Quick-Scan button to begin scanning useless data.

Wählen Sie Schnellscan

Schritt 3. Platz schaffen

When data scanning is done, click the Löschen button next to the unwanted data type, like Junk-Dateien löschen.

Schnell Speicherplatz freigeben


This guide has demonstrated three four ways to delete old iPhone backups on Mac. The Storage Management tool enables you to find and delete old iOS backups. Besides, you can do the job in Finder on macOS Catalina and later or in iTunes on macOS Mojave and older. Apeaksoft iPhone Eraser is the best way to free up space for the iPhone. If you have other questions, please write them down below.

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